I’m in the process of writing a FREE fool-proof guide to brushing your doodle, so that you can avoid your doodle ever having to get the dreaded shave-off.
If you struggle with brushing your cockapoo/cavapoo/poochon/doodle of any kind, then simply fill out the contact form, let me know you’d like a copy and when it’s ready I’ll send one over 🙂

To enquire and book a free meet and treat
If you’d like to sign up to my free doodle brushing guide in the mean time, please fill in the contact form, let me know, and I’ll put you on the waiting list.
Are you always being told by your groomer your doodle is matted?
Do you try to brush your dog, but each time they just try to run away from you?
Are you anxious about brushing them because they hate it?
In my guide I’ll be letting you know my top tips for brushing your doodle WITHOUT them hating it.
To enquire and book a free meet and treat